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DabinWatec Co., Ltd.


Introduction 365 Days Clean Drinkable Water without Worries about Bacteria In the modern society concerning for healthy and clean water more and more, the use and supply of water purifier is not an option but must have item. Moreover, hygiene and cleanliness is also positioning the most important point to select a water purifier. Dabin Watec Co., Ltd is one of the Korean representative companies and a specialized company in mass water purifier industry to strive for the best quality and service with a belief and sense of duty to make health and clean water without worries about bacteria over last 20 years. Sparing no effort in making water that customers can always trust and drink, Dabin Watec released the third generation sterilization water purifier, steam sterilization water purifier with the research by our best engineers and an unstinting investment. Solving the hygiene and cleanliness issues of the water purifier at once, “steam sterilization water purifier” kept to No. 1 rank in water purifier sales of government procurement for 5 years consecutively from 2008 to 2012 and the true value of our product was recognized. In addition, as the first in the water purifier industry, we acquired *TR and *S mark at the same time by *Korea Testing & Research Institute in 2010, and acquired Performance Certification by The Small and Medium Business Administration(SMEA) which were enough to verify our excellence and technology. Dabin Watec Co., Ltd leading the supply of healthy and clean water based on outstanding technology will introduce the best products that customers can purchase with trust. │Superior technology of Dabin Watec│ Steam sterilization system as the first development in the world always guarantees healthy and clean water without worries about bacteria. Dabin Watec thinks differentiated technology for customers: careful design concerning the safety of users (Korean Patent No. 0479559), the safety of management (Korean Patent No. 1105585) and economic feasibility (Korean Patent No. 1012229). Every day healthy water (Korean Patent No. 0479559) Full automatic steam sterilization system High temperature and high pressure natural steam over 100℃ sterilizes all water flowing parts as well as a water tank. In addition, a timer makes it available to activate the steam sterilization anytime you choose and the steam sterilization does not require any chemicals. These are safe and economic patent technology of Dabin Watec only. Applied product: Watermay and all products of Crimi. Unnecessary cup and hygienic upward water outlet intake (Korean Patent No. 0509941) You do not need to use a cup which prevents the secondary infection by the cup and do not need to clean and sterilize cups which make it economical. In addition, the installation of the automatic hygienic closing and opening device, which is the patent technology of Dabin Watec, prevents infection such as foreign matters or saliva, and the mounting of the safe guard makes it safer and more hygienic. - Applied product: Watermay DB series and all products of Crimi. Hot water flowing backward prevention system of drinking water supply device (Korean Patent No. 1105585) When cutting off the water supply, prevent unnecessary energy and fire from overheating of the heater. │Effects│ Save energy by reducing the operating time of unnecessary heater. Prevent heater damage and fire by reducing the operating time of unnecessary heater. Save energy by reducing the operating time of the cooler to cool down the cold water tank. Applied product: Watermay and all products of Crimi. Keep clean even for invisible parts! South Korea’s first stainless pipe line used Focus on the stainless. For all products of Dabin Watec, the stainless material are already applied for all pipe lines that make you free from the worries against water scales and bacteria. The use of the stainless is the differentiated choice made by thorough customer oriented management of Dabin Watec recognizing the stability and hygiene for customers first and is the earnestness for customers. - Applied product: Watermay and all products of Crimi. . All pipe lines as well as the water tank are made of the stainless that makes it possible for “steam sterilization system” with high temperature. Double connecting pipe heat exchanger system with boiling fast & cooling fast, plus energy saving function (Korean Patent No. 1012229) (Performance Certification No. 15-760: SMEA) The double connecting pipe heat exchange system makes the natural heat exchange by crossing the hot water pipe where the boiled water flows through three step boiler and the cold water pipe like wrapping them each other; cools the boiled water and warm the cool water up to the ideal temperature without optional electric consumption. These functions are the patent technology of Dabin Watec which is entirely different from other systems that cool down the boiled water by force and boil the water only with the heater. In addition, the ‘Crimi’ mounting this system is an eco-friendly product which saves energy innovatively by reducing the electric consumption up to 80% compared to other companies’ products. - Applied product: All products of Crimi.
